Optimization of joint electric smelting of the Shalkiya sulfide ore and its beneficiation tailings with medium-silicon ferrosilicon production


  • V.M. Shevko M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University
  • B.A. Makhambetova M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University
  • D.K. Aitkulov National Center on complex processing of mineral raw materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • A.D. Badikova M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University




sulfide ore, beneficiation tailings, lead-zinc ore, electric smelting, zinc sublimate, ferrosilicon.


Flotation beneficiation of the Shalkiya deposit high-silicon sulfide ore, containing 4-6% of ∑ Pb and Zn, is ineffective, with the extraction of ˂80% of zinc and ˂60% of lead into the concentrate and the formation of up to 0.93 t of tailings per 1 ton of the ore. The paper presents the results of experimental studies on the processing of a mixture of the Shalkiya ore and its beneficiation tailings by electric smelting in the presence of coke, steel cuttings and magnetite concentrate, which acts as a sulfide oxidizer and iron supplier. The effect of coke and the iron replacement degree in magnetite concentrate with iron in steel cuttings on the silicon extraction in the alloy and its content in the alloy was studied using the method of planning experiments and their optimization. It was established that from 75 to 82.8% of silicon is extracted from the mixture into the silicon-containing alloy. The silicon content in the alloy varies from 30 to 44.2%. The formation of FeSi45 grade ferrosilicon, containing 41-47.7% of silicon, occurs during the smelting of the mixture of ore and tailings with a ratio of 1:1 in the presence of 26.8-33.0% of coke and the replacement of iron from magnetite concentrate with iron from steel cuttings from 19.4 to 97%. The sublimates formed during the electric smelting contain 25.2% of Zn and 11.7% of Pb. They are 9.4 times richer in ∑Zn and Pb compared to the base mixture.


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Author Biographies

V.M. Shevko, M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University

Doctor of technical sciences, Professor of the Department of Silicate Technology and Metallurgy of  M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Tauke Khan Avenue, 5, 160002, Shymkent, Kazakhstan. 

B.A. Makhambetova, M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University

Doctoral student of the Department of Silicate technology and metallurgy of  M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Tauke Khan Avenue, 5, 160002, Shymkent, Kazakhstan. 

D.K. Aitkulov, National Center on complex processing of mineral raw materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Doctor of technical sciences, professor, director of scientific research of National Center on complex processing of mineral raw materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan,  Zhandosov st., 67, 050036, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

A.D. Badikova, M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University

Doctoral student of the Department of Silicate technology and metallurgy of  M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Tauke Khan Avenue, 5, 160002, Shymkent, Kazakhstan. 


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How to Cite

Shevko, V., Makhambetova, B., Aitkulov, D., & Badikova, A. (2024). Optimization of joint electric smelting of the Shalkiya sulfide ore and its beneficiation tailings with medium-silicon ferrosilicon production. Kompleksnoe Ispolzovanie Mineralnogo Syra = Complex Use of Mineral Resources, 334(3), 91–98. https://doi.org/10.31643/2025/6445.31

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