Organization of stage-by-stage anchoring of mine workings
anchor, mining, rock massif, mine workings, coal mine, rocks deformation, lining erection, sinking cycle, tunneling.Abstract
The technology of stage-by-stage anchoring of mine workings, conditions to maintain the workings depending on mining and process parameters are investigated. The research allowed developing the effective scheme for applying the anchor workings. The process of lining erection, even at fixing workings with anchors, is from 40 to 70 % of the tunnel cycle, it follows from this that high-performance and expensive tunneling equipment has downtime more than 40 % of its working time. Thus, the technological schemes for carrying out and fixing underground excavations, which are currently used, do not meet to the modern requirements for coal mine equipment using, and to the timing of excavation, and accordingly they do not contribute to increasing labor productivity. The conducted researches made it possible to increase the operating time of the combine and increase the speed of carrying out underground excavation spadework and to strengthen the fastening due to the technology of phased anchorage. The technology of stage-by-stage anchoring allows increasing the pace of underground workings not only by increasing the productivity of tunneling combines, but also by combining the basic technological processes of the tunnel cycle. It is possible to achieve this by dividing the bottomhole zone into two separate zones, in each of which various operations of a sinking cycle are made. That is, while conducting work on cutting and extracting rock mass in one zone, simultaneous work on securing the workings in the other. With the step-by-step anchoring of the mine workings, the rate of sinking is increased by approximately 25 %, compared with the standard technology of tunneling and fixing the mine workings. The daily machine work time of the combine machine increases to 0.2-0.5, and the speed of the workings increases by 20-30 %.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Demin, V., Mussin, R., Iconopisceva Е., Khalikova, E., & Burak, Y.

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