Evaluation of modern methods and techniques for calculating parameters during coal bed degassing
methane, gas flow rate, gas output, methane abundance, coal mines, degassing, mining technology, minefields, gas dynamic phenomena, formation.Abstract
The modern strategy for the development of underground coal mining in the Karaganda basin provides for the development of the concept of reforming the mining fund, ensuring a high level of concentration and intensification of mining operations with increasing the load on the treatment face to 5-6 thousand tons per day. At the same time, the main deterrent factor is the high methane content of the coal seams of the basin, which reaches 30-40 m3/t of coal. The high gas content of the coal seams being developed and their satellites is one of the main causes of methane explosions in mines, leading to violations of the technological regime and irretrievable loss of life. The problem of degassing minefields has always been and is among the priority areas that require prompt solutions. Gas dynamic phenomena and sudden methane emissions are accompanied by human casualties, and large material and financial losses, and are 25-30% of the cause of the total number of accidents that occurred in coal mines of the CIS countries in the last decade. The article evaluates progressive methods of degassing high-gas-bearing, explosive formations to reduce the methane content and ensure the safety of the operation of coal mines in the Karaganda region, taking into account modern experience and achievements in this field.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Rabatuly, M., Demin, V., Kenetaeva, A., Steflyuk, Y., & Toshov, J.
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