Application of the integrated well-surface facility production system for selecting the optimal operating mode of equipment
integrated system, surface facilities, integration of wells and surface facilities, geotechnology, geotechnological methods, well, filtration.Abstract
This work is dedicated to the analysis and development of an integrated production system that combines wells and surface facilities to select the optimal operating mode for equipment. The main focus is on studying data analysis methods, as well as collecting and processing information, which ensures high accuracy in process control and optimal use of technological capabilities. The integration of data from various levels of the production chain, from the well to the surface facilities, opens up new opportunities for optimizing equipment performance and improving resource management quality. Integration of wells and surface facilities – The effective integration of wells and surface facilities is crucial for optimizing production processes, minimizing operational costs, and reducing environmental impact. Integrated management systems allow the automation of many processes, providing continuous monitoring of operating parameters, automatic adjustment of settings, and supplying data for quick decision-making. This includes real-time data collection, analysis, and the use of the obtained information to select optimal operating modes, which helps improve both overall efficiency and safety in production processes. In the modern oil and gas industry, the efficient use of equipment at all stages of hydrocarbon production is of particular importance. Optimizing the operation of wells and surface facilities is a key aspect for increasing economic efficiency and reducing environmental impact. In this regard, the development and application of integrated systems that enable real-time control and adaptation of equipment operating modes has become a relevant and significant task.
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Copyright (c) 2024 G.Zh. Moldabayeva, M.F. Turdiyev, R.T. Suleimenova, N.S. Buktukov, G.М. Efendiyev, Sh.K. Kodanova, Sh.R. Tuzelbayeva

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