The effectiveness of the use of physical impact on the reservoir to reduce the viscosity and increase oil recovery
Physical impact, viscosity, oil recovery factor, technical and economic efficiency, technology of physical impact, geological and technical measures.Abstract
This article provides a technical and economic assessment of the effectiveness of the application of physical impact on a productive formation in one of the fields in Western Kazakhstan. The world experience of using the technology of physical stimulation in the fields shows high technological efficiency. Also, in order to optimize oil production, as a result of physical impact, changes in oil viscosity, an increase in oil production and a decrease in water cut were calculated. All the Cretaceous horizons have good reservoir properties, however, the high viscosity of oil and poor consolidation of the rocks composing the horizons do not allow for the full recovery of the product. Determination of phase permeabilities in the oil-water system was carried out in laboratory conditions with joint stationary filtration. According to the calculations performed in order to optimize oil production, as a result of physical impact, the oil viscosity changed to a value of 430 cP from 700 cP, the value decreased almost 2 times. There is also an increase in oil production and a decrease in water cut.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Moldabayeva, G., Suleimenova, R., Agzamov, A., Abileva, S., Baluanov, B., & Karimova, A.

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