On the degree of influence of waterflooding on the oil recovery factor from productive formations of high-viscosity reservoirs X, represented by terrigenous reservoirs
Field, deposit, development, flooding, flushing, extraction, compensation, selectionAbstract
On the basis of the generalization of experience in the development of multilayer high-viscosity fields X the influence of waterflooding in the late stage on the oil recovery factor of productive formations has been studied. By applying statistical methods of data processing the dependence of the oil recovery factor on the reservoir flushing factor, with a sufficiently high correlation coefficient, has been obtained. The dependence obtained confirms the theoretical basis of oil recovery from productive formations developed with waterflooding and can be used when designing the process on similar objects. In many oil-producing regions of the world, the tendency of deteriorating quality of the resource base and incomplete replenishment of oil production by the growth of their reserves due to the discovery of new fields is observed. At the same time, the costs of prospecting and exploration works are increasing, and geological, andphysical conditions and specific reserves per each discovered field are worsening.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Agzamov, A., Efendiyev, G., Moldabayeva, G., Syzdykov, A., Suleimenova, R., Tuzelbayeva, S., & Zaurbekov К.

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