Hydrodynamic modeling of field development using enhanced oil recovery methods
modeling, well, analysis, core sampling, hydrodynamic study.Abstract
This article discusses a digital geological model, the transfer of borehole data to the geological grid, and the modeling of the technology of alternating steam and water injection. Alternating injection involves the cyclic injection of steam and water into an injection well in high-viscosity oil fields. The essence of this technology is that during the steam injection for 2-4 months, the formation warms up, leading to a decrease in viscosity and an increase in oil mobility. Then comes the period of water injection, during which the production of already warmed oil continues and the formation pressure is maintained. For digital geological modeling, the following data were collected, processed and prepared: a list of wells that open the object of modeling, coordinates of wellheads, well altitudinal data, inclinometry of well trajectories, GМS data on wells, analysis of wells drilled with core sampling, and digitized seismic data (structural surfaces on the roof of stratigraphic horizons, parameter maps, contact surfaces, faults, structural maps on the roof of target horizons with faults, isochron maps, velocity maps).
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Copyright (c) 2022 Moldabayeva, G., Agzamov, A., Suleimenova, R., Elefteriadi, D., Abileva, S., & Baluanov, B.

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