Thermodynamics of formation and evaporation of lead-tin alloys
Lead, tin, alloy, vapor pressure, thermodynamics, formation, mixing, evaporation, partial and integral quantities, entropy, enthalpy.Abstract
Only a few works have been devoted to thermodynamic studies of the lead-tin system by methods including the volatile components evaporation process. When the binary system is separated into metals by distillation, the volatile component is removed from the alloy and the low-volatile component accumulates in the bottom products, that is, there are alloy composition changes over the entire concentration range. It is necessary to know the boundaries position of the melt and vapor coexistence fields on the state diagram, especially for solutions beneficiated with non-volatile metal to assess the quality of the vapor phase by the content of the low-volatile component. In this regard, the study has been completed with the purpose to clarify the values of the thermodynamic functions of the formation and evaporation of lead-tin melts required to calculate the boundaries of the liquid and vapor coexistence fields on the state diagram that enables us to judge the amount of a low-volatile component in the vapor phase under equilibrium conditions. The thermodynamic activity of lead was calculated, as well as the numerical integration of the Gibbs-Duhem equation using the substitution proposed by Darken is the thermodynamic activity and pressure of saturated tin vapor Based on the values of the saturated lead vapor pressure, determined by the boiling point method (isothermal version) for alloys predominantly of the lead edge of the phase diagram. The thermodynamic constants thus obtained will add to the base of physicochemical data and will be used to calculate the boundaries of the vapor-liquid equilibrium fields on the phase diagram, allowing to determine the possibility and completeness of the distillation separation of metals.
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