The effect of rubber on the mechanical properties of epoxy and carbon fiber (Review)
elastomers, modification, rubbers, epoxy resin, carbon fiber reinforced plastic, hardening, impact strength.Abstract
The paper presents published data on the effect of rubber elastomers on the strength properties of epoxy resin (ES) and carbon fiber. The introduction of 10% rubbers into ES ED-20 leads to an increase in compressive strength by 50%, tensile strength by 51%, impact strength by 133% and elongation by 128%. The optimal content of rubber with carboxyl groups for the OLDEN mixture was 10-12.5%, while the increase in compressive strength was 48%, impact strength - 73% and elongation - 187%. For DER 331 resin, the study was conducted with two hardeners Piperidine and DETA. The best results for Piperidine hardener were obtained on rubber with hydroxyl groups, with its optimal content of 2.5%, impact strength increased by 170%. For the hardener DETA, the best results were obtained on rubber with carboxyl groups at its optimal content of 10%, the increase in impact strength was 66%. When modifying carbon fiber with rubbers, it leads to a significant increase in the yield strength in tension by 42%, the modulus of elasticity in bending by 63%, and with a slight loss of impact strength.
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