Study of the effect of plasticizers and thermoplastics on the mechanical properties of epoxy and carbon fiber reinforced plastic (Review)
epoxy resin, modifiers, plasticizers, thermoplastics, heat treatment, impact strength, strength.Abstract
Increasing strength of epoxide resin (ER) and carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) is an aim up-to-date for many machinery sections: space, aviation, defense, automotive, and others. The aim is achieved via numerous methods of ER and carbon fiber reinforced plastic modifications. ER modifications is carried through injection of various chemical compounds. One of efficient modifications assumes introduction of plasticizers (tricresyl phosphate, oleic acid) or thermoplastics (polysulfone, polycarbonate, polystyrene, high impact polystyrene). The article contains experimental data of various types of modifiers influence on strength of ER and CFRP available in literature. The mechanism of modifying ER and CFRP with plasticizers and thermoplastics were analyzed. The introduction of plasticizers as ER modifiers leads to a twofold improvement in impact strength. The optimal input of plasticizers in ER is 15% and depends on the completeness of solubility in the binder, a further increase in the input of plasticizer leads to a decrease in the strength of the material. Modification of thermoplastics with CFRP can lead to an improvement in compression strength by 20% and impact strength by 2 times. With the introduction of thermoplastics over 20% in CFRP, strength indicators are reduced. The acquired data is necessary to elaborate domestic technology for production of high-impact CFRP.
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