The effect of the catalytic layer composition on the hydrogen permeability of assymetric tantalum-based membranes
composite membrane, tantalum, metal catalytic overcoat, hydrogen permeability, dilatation.Abstract
The paper offers the measuring results for hydrogen permeability of the membranes made of 40 μm thick tantalum foil covered with a metallic film with different thicknesses on one side. The measurements were performed when the membranes were in contact with a commercial argon and hydrogen gases mixed at the ratio of 1/5 at an overpressure of 500 kPa and at 580-585°C. It is shown that films of Mo, Re, W, Cu, Co, and Ni metals deposited on the tantalum membrane surface from the side facing a hydrogen-containing gas mixture increase its hydrogen permeability. The effect degree of these metals increases in the specified row from left to right. The effect on the hydrogen permeability of tantalum membranes, comparable to and superior to the deposition of a Pd film, exerts the deposition of Cu, Co, and Ni films. It is explained by the high hydrogen permeability level of these metals and the catalytic activity of their surface that results in intense hydrogen dissociation. The value of the hydrogen permeability of the membranes naturally increases with a thickness decrease of metallic films, however, it is obvious that this behavior is not linear. The hydrogen permeability of membranes with Cu, Co, and Ni films decreases over time, that is explained by the oxygen segregation at the Ta membrane/film interface, as well as by the processes on the membrane surface in contact with the gas mixture. The nature of these processes should be studies since the lower oxides of these metals are reduced by hydrogen at this temperature.
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