Concentration of rare-earth elements by sorption from sulphate solutions
Rare-earth elements, technogenic mineral formations (TMF), ferrous cake, sorption, desorption.Abstract
Constantly increasing demand for rare-earth elements contributes to the involvement in the production of ore processing waste, the content of not extracted REE in which is quite large. One of the types of such waste is man-made mineral formations from the processing of phosphate uranium ores, which serve as raw materials for the production of REE concentrate at SARECO LLP. The technology for producing a concentrate includes the following redistribution: opening of raw materials cleaning of productive solutions from impurities; obtaining a concentrate on rare earth elements. One of the main disadvantages of this technology is the coprecipitation of almost 30% REE with ferrous cake when cleaning the most productive solution from impurities. To extract the rare earth elements ferrous cake is leached with sulphuric acid. The article studies the process of sorption from both model solutions that are similar in composition to the productive leaching of ferrous cake and directly from the productive ones, with the aim of further combining the resulting eluates with solutions supplied to precipitate REE.. Considerable attention has been paid to disrupt by ammonium salts.
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