Simulation of oil pipeline shutdown and restart modes


  • T.T. Bekibayev Non-commercial joint-stock company "Satbayev University", Research and Production Laboratory “Energy Modeling”, Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • U.K. Zhapbasbayev Satbayev University, Almaty, KZ
  • G.I. Ramazanova Satbayev University, Almaty, KZ
  • A.D. Minghat Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • D.Zh. Bosinov Non-commercial joint-stock company "Satbayev University"



simulation, oil pipeline, transportation, shutdown, restart, software module.


The paper is devoted to the simulating of non-stationary processes of shutdown and restart on the example of a section of the Zhetybai-Uzen “hot” oil pipeline. A mathematical model of thermal-hydraulic calculation is given taking into account the rheological properties of the pumping oil. The special module of the SmartTran software developed by the work’s authors carried out the calculations. In the calculations, the decrease in time of oil temperature in the pipeline during cooling and the increase in oil pressure, temperature, velocity after the restart are determined. In addition, the calculations determine the power of pumping units, heating furnaces and the power consumption, which are necessary for restart of the pipeline after the shutdown. Simulation the processes of the pipeline cooling and restart after a shutdown makes it possible choosing the optimum parameters of pumping units at pumping stations and the time of safe shutdown of the oil pipeline.


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Author Biographies

T.T. Bekibayev, Non-commercial joint-stock company "Satbayev University", Research and Production Laboratory “Energy Modeling”, Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan

Master of engineering and technology, head of section. Non-commercial joint-stock company "Satbayev University", Research and Production Laboratory “Energy Modeling”, Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan.

U.K. Zhapbasbayev, Satbayev University, Almaty, KZ

Doctor of technical sciences, Professor, Academician of the Kazakhstan National Academy of Natural Sciences, head of research laboratory. Non-commercial joint-stock company "Satbayev University", Research and Production Laboratory “Energy Modeling”, Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan.

G.I. Ramazanova, Satbayev University, Almaty, KZ

Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Leading Researcher. Non-commercial joint-stock company "Satbayev University", Research and Production Laboratory “Energy Modeling”, Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan.

A.D. Minghat, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

PhD (Technical and Vocational Education) from the National University of Malaysia, M. Sc. (Vocational Education) from Universiti Putra Malaysia, B. Tech. Ed (Civil Eng.) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

D.Zh. Bosinov, Non-commercial joint-stock company "Satbayev University"

Ph.D. student. Non-commercial joint-stock company "Satbayev University", Research and Production Laboratory “Energy Modeling”, Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan.


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How to Cite

Bekibayev, T., Zhapbasbayev, U., Ramazanova, G., Minghat, A., & Bosinov, D. (2022). Simulation of oil pipeline shutdown and restart modes. Kompleksnoe Ispolzovanie Mineralnogo Syra = Complex Use of Mineral Resources, 316(1), 15–23.

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