Mismatch problem of the model and topology of oil pumping facilities


  • Т.Т. Bekibayev Satbayev University
  • D.Zh. Bossinov Satbayev University
  • U.K. Zhapbasbayev Satbayev University
  • A.D. Kudaibergen Satbayev University
  • G.I. Ramazanova Satbayev University




regression analysis, mismatches of the model and topology of oil pumping facilities, the actual data of pressure, temperature and flow rate sensors.


The mismatch of the model and the topology of real objects is important in modeling technological processes, which is the purpose of this paper.  The problem is considered when modeling hot oil pumping in the "Kasymov–Bolshoy Chagan" oil pipeline. In this problem, the topology of objects consists of the linear part of the pipeline and technological equipment (pumps and heating furnaces) of the stations. The accuracy of the simulation results is determined by the calculations of pressure and temperature in the oil pipeline. The pressure in the pipeline is created by pumps at the stations and is determined by the dependence of the pressure and efficiency of the pump on the oil flow rate. These characteristics change depending on the service life of the pump. The identification of the actual dependences of the pressure and efficiency of the pump on the oil flow rate was carried out by the regression analysis of experimental data. The pressure in the linear part is determined by the hydraulic resistance of the pipeline. The actual dependence of the hydraulic resistance coefficient on the Reynolds number and wall roughness was obtained by regression analysis of experimental data. The temperature in the oil pipeline is created at the stations by heating furnaces. The identification of the actual characteristics of the heating furnace was also found by regression analysis of the experimental data. The temperature distribution in the linear part is determined by the heat transfer of oil with the surrounding environment. An undefined parameter for calculating heat transfer is the soil thermal conductivity, which depends on the type of rock and the degree of soil moisture. The soil thermal conductivity is determined in such a way that at a given oil flow rate, oil temperatures at the beginning of the section and soil at the section, the calculated oil temperature at the end of the section has the smallest discrepancy with the actual one. Thus, the determination of the actual dependencies of the objects makes it possible to increase the accuracy of the results of hot pumping modeling and eliminates the mismatches of the model and the topology of the objects.


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Author Biographies

Т.Т. Bekibayev, Satbayev University

Master of Engineering and Technology, Head of the Department of Research and Production Laboratory "Modeling in Energy", Satbayev University, 22 Satpaev Str., 050000 Almaty, Kazakhstan.

D.Zh. Bossinov, Satbayev University

Master of Natural Sciences, Researcher of the Research and Production Laboratory "Modeling in Energy", Satbayev University, 22 Satpaev Str., 050000 Almaty, Kazakhstan.

U.K. Zhapbasbayev, Satbayev University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Research and Production Laboratory "Modeling in Energy", Satbayev University, 22 Satpaev Str., 050000 Almaty, Kazakhstan.

A.D. Kudaibergen, Satbayev University

Master of Engineering, Researcher of the Research and Production Laboratory "Modeling in Energy", Satbayev University, 22 Satpaev Str., 050000 Almaty, Kazakhstan.

G.I. Ramazanova, Satbayev University

Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Deputy Head of the Department of Research and Production Laboratory "Modeling in Energy", Satbayev University, 22 Satpaev Str., 050000 Almaty, Kazakhstan.


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How to Cite

Bekibayev Т., Bossinov, D., Zhapbasbayev, U., Kudaibergen, A., & Ramazanova, G. (2022). Mismatch problem of the model and topology of oil pumping facilities. Kompleksnoe Ispolzovanie Mineralnogo Syra = Complex Use of Mineral Resources, 326(3), 16–24. https://doi.org/10.31643/2023/6445.24



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