A slurry emission off a pulp appeared after metallurgic gases wash of Balkhash copper smelting plant by spinning
metallurgic gases, flushing, pulp, cleansing sulphuric acid, slurry, straining, spinningAbstract
A sulphuric acid is obtained of the metallurgic gases after smelting of feed materials and matte converting preliminary cleaned dry or wet method. A pulp appears after wet gases cleaning containing sulphuric acid solution, slurry and amorphous selenium. The sulphuric acid production at the Balkhash copper smelting plant differs from the identic one at the Zheskazgan copper smelting plant by cleansing solutions spinning off and extracting slurry out of them by sedimentation. By this reason Balkhash copper smelting plant discharge pulp 7-14 times as much as Zheskazgan copper smelting plant of clarified liquor. Pulp is a valued man-made raw material to extract rhenium off the solution, selenium iodine off the slurry. At present, a sorption technology of rhenium extraction off the solution is developed and tested in the pilot scale. Selenium is a second component worth mentioning considering its production at the Balkhash copper smelting plant. This article analyzes prospect researches of various methods testing of clear solutions obtaining, faults and benefits of straining by spinning. The results are provided of the slurry amount effect and amorphous selenium in the pulp, the speed and time of rotation of the centrifuge rotor. A rotor spinning velocity is established to be the main factor has impact on pulp separation into the clear solution and residue of every slurry compound, including amorphous selenium by spinning. This method according to calculations allows to a substantial energy costs saving comparing the pulp heating-straining.
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