The effect of blend copolymers on physico-mechanical properties of mortar
Mortar, PVA, urea, cement, compressive strength, workability.Abstract
The present study investigates the effect of blend copolymers on the physico-mechanical properties of mortar mixes. Blend copolymers were synthesized based on poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) and urea (U) in aqueous solution with different blend ratios 65/35, 50/50 and 35/65 respectively, using glacial acetic acid as crosslinking. Physico-mechanical properties of mortar examined included water/cement ratio, setting time, workability, water absorption and compressive strength. The addition of blend copolymers to the mortar affected the physico-mechanical properties of mortar mixes. As the content of PVA increases in the blend copolymers, the water of consistency decrease, whereas the setting times (initial & final) were shortened. The compressive strength of the hardened cement pastes was increased at all ages of hydration while water absorption decreased.
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