Study on the behavior of zinc and associated metal-impurities in the process of chlorinating roasting of dross
Dross, metallic zinc, zinc oxide, roasting, thermodynamics, impurity metals, Gibbs free energy, calcium chloride, ammonium chloride.Abstract
In this work the issue of processing of dross with preliminary separation of the metal part from the oxide one is reviewed. Based on a comparative analysis of the results of known works it is shown that this approach can be quite effective if a technology is developed for the separate processing of the oxide part to obtain a commercial product. The authors of this work proposed carrying out chlorinating roasting under oxidizing conditions with various chlorine-containing reagents as one of the effective ways of processing the oxide part of the dross. Based on the thermodynamic analysis of the reactions of interaction between the components of the oxide part of the dross and calcium and ammonium chlorides, the principal possibility of obtaining pure zinc oxide, suitable for use as mineral additives in animal feed has been shown. As a result of thermodynamic calculations of the reactions of interaction of impurity metals with calcium chloride and ammonium chloride, the values of Gibbs free energy and reaction rate constants were determined in the temperature range 973 and 1373 K. It has been established that under the conditions of roasting the oxide part of the dross with both calcium chloride and ammonium chloride, a high degree of sublimation of impurity metals from the dross in the form of their chlorides into dust is achieved. It has been shown that roasting the oxide part of the dross using ammonium chloride is more efficient than with calcium chloride.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Koishina, G., Zholdasbay Е., Kurmanseitov, M., Tazhiev, E., & Argyn А.

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