Reduction melting of metal-containing industrial wastes without carburizing of metal alloy
waste, ore, coke, steel, iron, alloy, chromium, manganese, carbon, reduction, melting.Abstract
Metallurgical processing of group iron-manganese-chromium-containing raw materials and the production of steel and alloys are the fundamental basis of the industry. At the same time, they represent a significant part of the gas emissions into the atmosphere and solid waste accumulated in dumps. The traditional technology for the production of steel and alloys is based on the use of agglomerated raw materials, as a result of the preparation and processing of which the formation and accumulation of small and metal-containing waste takes place. For today, effective processing of them remains the problem of metallurgical sector. The present work is devoted to solving this problem on the basis of accumulated metal-containing waste of metallurgical and mining enterprises. Experimental studies on the preparation of ore-coal pellets from waste, their metallization and reduction melting in laboratory installations were performed. Based on the analysis of the results of experimental studies, a technology for reducing smelting of metal-containing waste has been developed. It is shown that as a result of the technology implementation, high-quality steels and alloys without carburizing of metal can be obtained, bypassing the stages of production of cast iron and high-carbon alloys. The experimental research method consists in preparation of dispersed metal-containing and carbon-containing industrial wastes of ore-coal mixtures with stoichiometric consumption of coal for recovering recoverable metals, and the obtaining of ore-pellets that are further subjected to metallization and reduction melting. As a result of the implementation of the proposed technology, samples of manganese-containing alloy steels with a carbon content in the range 0,44-0,52%, manganese 3,5-7,2%, and chromium-containing alloy steels with a carbon content in the range 0,42-0,46%, chromium 4,45-9,27% were received.
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