Thermal degradation of hard alloys of the niobiumcadmium system at low pressure
niobium, cadmium, solid solution, intermetallic compound, diffractometry, sublimation.Abstract
Due to the lack of data on the double film Nb-Cd system thermal stability, the effect of thermo-vacuum treatment of cadmium solid solutions in niobium, in intermetallic compound NbCd2 and in cadmium-based alloys on the structure of materials was studied. A step-by-step isochronous annealing at a temperature of 300 and 500°C and a pressure of 1·10-3 Pa was used as the research method followed by tracking changes in the composition and structure by comparing the diffractometric data before and after heat treatment. The amount of cadmium in the coating, the sublimation (evaporation) rate of cadmium from film coatings was determined based on the previously established dependence of the lattice parameter of the body-centered cubic lattice of solid solutions on the composition. As a result, the heating of film coatings (49.0 - 64.5 at % Cd) represented by solid solutions in high vacuum up to 300°C was founded to be accompanied by the onset of intense degradation of the crystalline niobium-cadmium system due to the diffusion of cadmium atoms to the solid phase-vapor interface and its subsequent sublimation. Coatings from the NbCd2 intermetallic compound which is a degenerate semiconductor and cadmium-based solid solutions (72.5 and 76.8 at % Cd) including the amorphized phase of the intermetallic compound, after exposure at this temperature are degraded due to the complete transfer of cadmium to the vapor phase by evaporation. Upon thermal exposure to a temperature of 200°C, the structure of solid solutions of cadmium in niobium and the NbCd2 intermetallic compound was stable.
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