An advanced method for the development of highly reliable asphalt concrete mixture
bitumen grade, bitumen binder, Superpave, PG Grade calculations, Penetration grading, softening point, flash point.Abstract
This paper introduces the new technology of road construction pavement Superpave. From the beginning of the technology, the method of calculation of road pavement temperature has been taken as an example on the Shymkent city road in Kazakhstan. The material calculation for high quality was conducted with the new climate data of the exact city. A new methodological approach will determine the most accurate selection of bitumen binder grades using a specifically developed PG Grade calculation based on the meteorological data for the period from 2000 to 2020 (20 years) for the specific city. This will be intended to establish requirements for bitumen binders testing by the traditional method for both original and modified bitumen, such as penetration, softening point, and flash and fire point tests, taking into account the climatic characteristics of the republic. Today, have to be accounted that the most common bitumen binder is a 70-100 penetration rating, which means that quite incorrect to use at the highest temperature in Shymkent at +41.3°C and with the lowest temperature at -17.8°C. The results will help to decide on the use of polymer modification of binders, taking into account the design temperatures and operating conditions of asphalt concrete surfaces.
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