Current state of the problem of soil protection and prospect of using humic acids
soil, structure formation, dispersed system, soil erosion, humic acid, interpolymer complex.Abstract
The article reviews the literature on the state of the problem of protecting the soil cover of the earth. Today, during the period of strong pollution of the lithosphere by technogenic wastes of various nature, leading to soil degradation and erosion, in measures to improve the physical, chemical, hydrological, agronomic and other properties of soils, preference should be given to the least harmless natural raw materials. These include humic acids (HA) and their derivatives, which are good adsorbents, stabilizers and fixers of dispersed systems. The study of the composition of humic acids with various water-soluble polymers and surfactants is another not fully understood area of interdisciplinary nature. Literary search for the works of Kazakh scientists shows the underdevelopment of both the extraction of humic acids and the formation of HA interpolymer complexes (IPC) with polymers and surfactants, as well as their use as fixers, structure formers of soils subject to wind and water erosion. Having large reserves of coal in the republic, a source of humic acids, it is not forgivable not to develop an integrated approach to research on the extraction of HAs, the formation of IPC on their basis and the use of new structure-forming agents to improve the degraded soils of the republic's structures.
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