Study of the process of cyanide leaching of gold using sodium acetate at different ore sizes
intensification of the leaching process, sodium acetate, leaching, heap leaching, gold, chemical reagent.Abstract
Intensification of metal extraction by leaching is a complex of organizational and technical measures aimed at achieving the fastest and complete extraction of metal from ore. Measures to intensify leaching are aimed at completely or partially neutralizing the causes that cause a decrease in the leaching rate. Tests were performed on cyanide leaching of gold from gold-containing ore with the addition of sodium acetate to intensify the leaching process. The results of assay-gravimetric, chemical, mineralogical and granulometric analysis of oxidized ore are presented. According to electron-probe analysis, gold in the ore is present in the form of thin (micron) inclusions in minerals and ore rocks. A study was conducted on leaching of crushed ore with a size of 90% of the class -0.074 mm and crushed ore with a size of -12+0 mm. Leaching of crushed ore with a size of 90% of the class -0.074 mm showed that when adding sodium acetate, the gold recovery rate increases by 1.13 % compared to leaching without adding this reagent. When leaching crushed ore with a size of -12 + 0 mm with the addition of acetate, gold recovery increases by an average of 4 %, and the kinetics of gold dissolution improves. Research data prove that sodium acetate can be used to intensify gold at a ore size of -12+0 mm and in larger ore classes for leaching gold.
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