Ore treatment hydrogen peroxide during heap leaching of gold
Over the past century, many problems have been focused on the problems of low leaching rate of gold and methods have been developed to intensify the leaching of gold. Among these methods, the use of hydrogen peroxide to accelerate the leaching of gold is known. In order to intensify the leaching process, the indicators of cyanide leaching of gold from ore using hydrogen peroxide were studied. This article presents the results of assay-gravimetric, chemical, and mineralogical analyses of gold-bearing ore from the Sari Gunay Deposit (Iran). The content of sulfide sulfur ore belongs to the category of low-sulphide, by oxidation of sulphur (50.70%) to the category of oxidized ores. Thermodynamic analysis of possible reactions of ore components with hydrogen peroxide is carried out. Laboratory studies on cyanide leaching of gold have shown that the maximum recovery of gold is 52.92% at a concentration of hydrogen peroxide of 0.5%, the recovery of gold without ore treatment is 52.03%. The results of laboratory and column tests with and without treatment with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2–0.5%) were compared. Treatment of gold-bearing ore with hydrogen peroxide during heap leaching of gold increases gold recovery by 1.2% and amounts to 55.89%, without treatment - 54.69%. This increases the consumption of sodium cyanide by 0.04 kg/t.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Yessengarayev, Y., Surimbayev, B., Baimbetov, B., Mamyachenkov, S., & Kanaly, T.

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