Kaolinite clays as a source of raw materials for the aluminum industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan
кaolinite, quartzite, silicon module, chemical activation, chemical enrichment, product yield, technology.Abstract
Kaolinite clays can serve as an additional source of alumina in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The most promising is the Alekseevsky kaolinite deposit. To obtain high-quality kaolinite and quartzite products, it is necessary to develop special enrichment techniques, since no satisfactory results were achieved when using standard methods of gravitational enrichment of kaolinites. The paper presents the results of studies of the effect of preliminary chemical activation during the processing of kaolinite clays of the Alekseevsky deposit. Previously, the method of preliminary chemical activation of raw materials in a solution of sodium bicarbonate has proven itself well in the processing of various mineral raw materials. It was determined that during the preliminary chemical activation in a solution of sodium bicarbonate, changes occurred in the phase composition of the kaolinite fraction: the content of muscovite decreased almost twice; the phase of sodium aluminosilicate was formed. The dependence of the yield of Al2O3 in the kaolinite fraction on the temperature of chemical activation, duration, and the ratio of L:S and the concentration of the sodium bicarbonate solution during chemical activation. The optimal mode of preliminary chemical activation of kaolinite clay of the Alekseevsky deposit has been established: the temperature is 150 oC, the duration is 120 minutes and the concentration of sodium bicarbonate solution is 120 g/dm3. A basic technological scheme is proposed for the processing of kaolinite clays.
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