Adsorption methods for the extraction and seperation of rare earth elements. Review
rare earth elements, adsorption, adsorbent, hydrogel, molecular polymers.Abstract
Rare earth elements play an important role in the production, energy, and high technology. Due to the rapid development of industry, the demand for rare earth metals is rising every day. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the extraction of rare earth metals from various sources to meet the demand for these elements. Currently, pyro- and hydrometallurgical technologies are used to extract rare earth metals from an ore and other secondary sources (industrial wastewater, acid drainage mines, etc.). Hydrometallurgical technologies include precipitation, extraction, adsorption, and ion exchange methods. Adsorption is one of the most effective methods for the extraction and separation of rare earth elements. Adsorption methods are highly selectivity to metal ions and have low emissions. However, not all adsorbents are effective in producing the same metal ions. This study provides an overview of the different adsorbents that can be used to extract rare earth elements from aquatic systems. Hydrogels and molecular polymers have been found to be cost-effective methods for high-grade rare earth metals. Further research is needed to ensure the performance of these systems.
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