Influence of granule structure mineral fertilizers for their physical and chemical properties
mineral fertilizer, strength, structure, grain, research.Abstract
In this article, maintaining the quality and commercial properties of mineral fertilizers during repeated transshipment and long-term transportation is one of the important issues. The purpose of the research work is to study the structure of granules of complex mixed fertilizers, as well as to find and develop methods for improving it at the production stage in order to improve the physical and mechanical properties of the finished product. In order to improve the granular structure of the mineral fertilizer, the static strength of the granules, the mass fraction of moisture, the chemical composition and structural shape of the granules were determined using an electron microscope. Using the X-ray microtomography method, experimental data on the internal structure of granules of complex mineral fertilizers were obtained and generalized for the first time, porosity, the nature of the distribution of pores and components of granules by volume were assessed. It has also been studied that the structure of granules and the nature of the pore distribution of fertilizers obtained according to different granulation schemes have fundamental differences, which is explained by the difference in the mechanisms of granule formation. It has been shown that when producing NP and NPS fertilizers using a reverse neutralization scheme, existing defects in the granule structure (cracks and pores) do not impair the physical and mechanical characteristics of the product, which makes it possible to recommend this scheme for use and thereby increase productivity by 20-25%.
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