Influence of silica on the crystallization of sodium hydroaluminate
alumina solution, silica, hydroaluminateAbstract
To extract aluminium from highly concentrated aluminate solutions of alumina-containing raw materials, decomposition is performed through the crystallization of sodium hydroaluminate. This paper presents the results of a study on the stability of aluminate solutions. To calculate the probable yield of Al2O3 in the solid phase, it is necessary to determine the crystallization rate of sodium hydroaluminate according to the composition of the initial solutions and the conditions of the process. The influences of SiO2 content on the decomposition of aluminate solutions with Na2Ok concentrations of 540 g/dm3 and 590 g/dm3 with and without inoculum were studied. In addition, the influence of silica on the appearance of precipitating crystals of sodium hydroaluminate was considered. A sharp increase in the stability of the aluminate solutions at rest in the presence of silica was observed. Different crystallization conditions for sodium hydroaluminate have been investigated. Silica slows the crystallization process of sodium hydroaluminate, affecting both the nucleation and crystal growth rates. The effect of SiO₂ on the rate of decomposition is similar to the reduction in the degree of supersaturation.
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