Research on the production of sorbent based on bentonite clay for wastewater treatment from chemical industries
bentonite, Darbaza deposit, water treatment, montmorillonite, adsorption, heavy metals, sorption capacity, clay, purificationAbstract
In our country, the problem of water purification remains urgent, with the growth of external factors contributing to this, which can include an increase in the number of industrial enterprises, the development of agriculture, urban growth and others. To solve the problem of water purification it is economically advantageous to create new sorbents, with the available resources in our country.For the processing of of bentonite clay under experimental conditions, instrumental test methods were chosen using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) of the Jeol JSM-6490l V brand, a multi-parameter portable cyberscanner (PCD 650 Eutech) and a Q-1500 Derivatograph. In this article, we studied the bentonite of the Darbaza deposit. For physico-chemical analysis of clay from the Darbaza deposit, a specially selected sample was crushed, and sieved and its chemical composition was determined. Results. Based on the results of instrumental studies, the elemental and mineralogical composition of bentonite clay from the Darbazinsky deposit was determined using a scanning electron microscope JSM-6490l V (Jeol, Japan) using the energy-dispersive method. The resulting sorbent based on bentonite clay has a high sorption capacity and is recommended for use in the treatment of wastewater from chemical industries. The resulting sorbent based on bentonite clay from the Darbaza deposit makes it possible to purify wastewater from phosphate production from phosphate and other ions up to 60%. The developed sorbent based on bentonite clay has environmental and economic efficiency and connections with the use of local natural resources. Thus, it should be noted that for adsorption treatment of wastewater from chemical industries with a high degree, it is possible to use effective sorbents based on bentonine clays from the Darbaza deposit. It should also be noted that the use of bentonite clays for water purification by the sorption process is an effective and affordable alternative to adsorbents that show high adsorption capacity for various compounds.
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