Investigation of the anticorrosion properties of nanoСЕС in amine environments
nano-composite coatings, corrosion resistance, amine media, protective properties, carbon steel.Abstract
It is known that of the methods for purifying gas fraction from hydrogen sulfide is amine treatment. Various types of amines are used to remove hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide from petroleum gases. The choice of specific amine depends on the needs of the process. Mono-ethanolamine (MEA) (C2H4OH) NH2 and diethanolamine (DEA) (C2H4OH) 2NH are commonly used. Both are ammonia derivatives. The develop recommendations on the choice of material from which to make equipment for amine plants, comparative studies of corrosion resistance of traditionally used low-temperature carbon steel and nano-composite coatings obtained by electrodeposition method. The research has shown, that average corrosion rate on a standard sample (without coatings) is 0.9969 mm/year. Because of this, the frequency of changing equipment for cleaning oil from acidic components (hydrogen, sulfide, carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide) on average is 1 time per two years. During the one year testing period nano-composition coatings showed protective efficacy when exposed to acidic corrosion/erosion. It should be noted that there is a likelihood of damage to the coating during mechanical action. It is established that the use of protective coatings leads to an increase in corrosion resistance 24-56 times, which indicates the expediency of their use in these operating conditions.
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