Influence of circulating waters’ parameters, chemical composition and structural heterogeneity of AISI304 steel on its pitting resistance
corrosion, pitting resistance, chloride-containing solution, steel, heat exchangers.Abstract
The goal of the work was to study the affect of the parameters of steel and circulating waters on the pitting resistance of AISI304 steel to develop practical recommendations for its use when manufacturing and operating heat exchangers. Based on the analyzed results of the study of how the AISI304 steel and circulating waters’ parameters affect its pitting resistance, there were plotted regression models: a first-order linear model, a second-order model, a second-order model with first order quotients, and a linear model with a reduced number of indications. The analysis of these models has shown that the pitting resistance of the steel in model circulating waters is most affected by its chloride content and the average distance between oxides in the steel. The indications x3 (average diameter of austenite grains) and x10 (Cr content) have a slightly lesser effect the steel’s pitting resistance criterion.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Narivs’kyi, О., Subbotin, S., Belikov, S., Yar-Mukhamedova, G., & Kemelzhanova, А.

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