The development of the probability theory of autogenous grinding ore
probability theory, ore, autogenous grinding, ball mill, autodestruction, math modeling, grinding bodies.Abstract
The aim is to develop a general theory of autogenous grinding, which takes into account the impact of large pieces as the bodies destroying themselves, as well as grinding and grinded bodies. The most difficult process of mechanical destruction of substance – the process of autogenous grinding ore materials – is considered in the framework of probability theory, developed by authors. This theory includes probabilistic exposure of concentration, steric, activation and frequency factors and the likeness of the kinetics of consecutive irreversible reactions of unlimited order exact solution of the system of differential equations for the rate of destruction and accumulation of each fraction. Created a general mathematical model, which takes into account the impact of large pieces as autodisable, grinded and grinding bodies. Calculations based on the developed mathematical model theoretically substantiate, known from practice, formation of “pieces of critical size” which is not able to serve either as grinding or as grinded bodies and to be withdrawn from the process. Thanks to the “relay” transfer of functions of the grinding bodies from the larger fractions to the forming as a result of their self-destruction and the destruction is formed a more uniform distribution of fractions, characteristic for these mills. Therefore, probabilistic model of autogenous grinding can use to analyze, forecast and manage of the process.
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