Intensive leaching of gold from gravity concentrate at low concentration of sodium cyanide
intensive leaching, gravity concentration, reagent-activator, leaching, gold.Abstract
Studies on the intensive leaching of gold gravity concentrate in the drum and conical types at low concentration of sodium cyanide laced with reagent-activator. As a reagent-used organic acid activator with 1.5 and 3.0 kg/t. List the parameters of both devices intensive cyanidation. Tests conducted in comparison with well-known methods of intensive leaching of gold in similar devices with a high concentration of sodium cyanide, in which gold extraction reaches high results. However, there is significant consumption of sodium cyanide, which is an expensive reagent. Similar results can be achieved with a low concentration of sodium cyanide using a reagent-activator, with significant reduction in the consumption of sodium cyanide. It is shown that the use of reagent-activator on the basis of an aliphatic acid significantly intensifies the leaching process. Found that the gold content in the tails of the intensive cyanidation by using reagent-activator on the basis of an aliphatic acids in both vehicles lower than without the use of this reagent. As a result of study of dissolution rate of gold in rolling the unit higher than that of the conical, but for intensive cyanidation gravity concentrates may use both types of machines, drum and conical.
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