Acetic acid application as an activating reagent in the intensive cyanidation of gravity concentrates


  • B. Surimbayev The Branch of the RSE «NC CPMS RK» State Scientific-Industrial Association of Industrial Ecology "Kazmekhanobr"
  • L. Bolotova The Branch of the RSE «NC CPMS RK» State Scientific-Industrial Association of Industrial Ecology "Kazmekhanobr"
  • A. Baikonurova Satbayev University
  • S. Shalgymbayev The Branch of the RSE «NC CPMS RK» State Scientific-Industrial Association of Industrial Ecology "Kazmekhanobr"



intensive leaching, gravity concentration, reagent-activator, leaching, acetic acid, gold.


The well-known technology of intensive cyanide leaching of gravity concentrates, which allows to bring part of gold into commercial products with obtaining high-purity Dore alloy, requires the use of expensive reagents and high temperature (80 °С) leaching. Studies have been carried out on intensive leaching of gold-containing gravity concentrate in a drum-type apparatus at low concentrations of sodium cyanide with the addition of a new reagent-activator. It is proposed to conduct intensive cyanidation of enriched gravity concentrate using acetic acid as an effective activator reagent. Improving the efficiency of cyanide leaching by introducing activators into the reagent system is achieved by dissolving passivating films on the surface of gold grains. Studies on the intensive leaching of gold in the enlarged laboratory tests. The results of the large-scale laboratory tests on the intensive cyanide leaching of the gravity concentrate using acetic acid as an activating agent activator were fully confirmed by the data of laboratory studies.


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Author Biographies

B. Surimbayev, The Branch of the RSE «NC CPMS RK» State Scientific-Industrial Association of Industrial Ecology "Kazmekhanobr"

Research scientist in the Laboratory of precious metals, The Branch of the RSE «NC CPMS RK» State Scientific-Industrial Association of Industrial Ecology “Kazmekhanobr”, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.

L. Bolotova, The Branch of the RSE «NC CPMS RK» State Scientific-Industrial Association of Industrial Ecology "Kazmekhanobr"

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, head of the Laboratory of precious metals, The Branch of the RSE «NC CPMS RK» State Scientific-Industrial Association of Industrial Ecology “Kazmekhanobr”, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.

A. Baikonurova, Satbayev University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor at the Department “Metallurgical processes, heat engineering and technology of special materials”, Satbayev University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.

S. Shalgymbayev, The Branch of the RSE «NC CPMS RK» State Scientific-Industrial Association of Industrial Ecology "Kazmekhanobr"

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, assistant professor, Director at The Branch of the RSE «NC CPMS RK» State Scientific-Industrial Association of Industrial Ecology “Kazmekhanobr”.


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How to Cite

Surimbayev, B., Bolotova, L., Baikonurova, A., & Shalgymbayev, S. (2019). Acetic acid application as an activating reagent in the intensive cyanidation of gravity concentrates. Kompleksnoe Ispolzovanie Mineralnogo Syra = Complex Use of Mineral Resources, 308(1), 83–88.