Extraction of copper from pregnant leaching solutions of lead dusts by liquid extraction


  • B.T. Altaibayev LLP “Space of Implementation Research Testing”
  • A.T. Khabiyev Non-commercial joint-stock company "Satbayev University", Kazakhstan
  • O.S. Baigenzhenov Non-commercial joint-stock company "Satbayev University", Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • M.Zh. Bulenbayev LLP "Joint Venture "Southern Mining and Chemical Company"
  • M.D. Turan Firat University, Elazig, Turkey




metal impurities, extraction, re-extraction, lead dust, Acorga M5640.


This paper presents the results of studies of intermediate processing for liquid extraction and re-extraction of copper from sulfate solutions obtained during agitation sulfuric acid leaching of lead dusts, which are technogenic wastes of the Zhezkazgan copper smelter and contain valuable components: more than 38 % lead, 2.4 % iron, 3 % zinc, 3.5% copper, 0.7 % arsenic, etc. The utilization of them can provide additional commercial products and improve the ecological environment of the area where they are located. The article also presents the results of the material balance of the processes of liquid extraction and copper re-extraction.


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Author Biographies

B.T. Altaibayev, LLP “Space of Implementation Research Testing”

Doctor Ph.D., LLP “Space of Implementation Research Testing”, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.

A.T. Khabiyev, Non-commercial joint-stock company "Satbayev University", Kazakhstan

Doctor Ph.D., Assoc. Professor. Non-commercial joint-stock company "Satbayev University", the department "Metallurgical processes, heat engineering and technology of special materials", Almaty,  Kazakhstan

O.S. Baigenzhenov, Non-commercial joint-stock company "Satbayev University", Almaty, Kazakhstan

Doctor Ph.D., Assoc. Professor. Doctor Ph.D., Assoc. Professor. Non-commercial joint-stock company "Satbayev University", the department "Metallurgical processes, heat engineering and technology of special materials", Almaty, Kazakhstan.

M.Zh. Bulenbayev, LLP "Joint Venture "Southern Mining and Chemical Company"

LLP "Joint Venture "Southern Mining and Chemical Company", Shymkent,  Kazakhstan, Doctor Ph.D.

M.D. Turan, Firat University, Elazig, Turkey

Firat University, Engineering Faculty, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Elazig, Turkey, Assoc. Professor Doctor Ph.D.


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How to Cite

Altaibayev, B., Khabiyev А., Baigenzhenov, O., Bulenbayev, M., & Turan, M. (2020). Extraction of copper from pregnant leaching solutions of lead dusts by liquid extraction. Kompleksnoe Ispolzovanie Mineralnogo Syra = Complex Use of Mineral Resources, 314(3), 50–55. https://doi.org/10.31643/2020/6445.26

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