Additive for improving the quality of foam concrete made on the basis of micro silica and quicklime
Concrete maturity, surface strength, shock-pulse method, operational control, sensor.Abstract
The article presents studies of the use of plasticizing additives in combination with fine aggregate (microsilica) and CaOH quicklime for the production of foam concrete. The research will determine the effect of plasticizing additives and active fillers on the properties of foam concrete during their production. The main issue in the production of foam concrete is the time of setting, as their increase leads to shrinkage of foam concrete mixture and as a consequence of the uneven structure of the material. Therefore, the use of plasticizer additives in the production of foam concrete is not recommended. Plasticizer, as a surface-active substance, increases the setting time of the cement binder. However, examining the features of micro silica in combination with caustic lime and plasticizer was found to reduce the time setting. Laboratory studies have shown that the use of these components will produce foam concrete with the projected density, with a uniformly distributed pore structure, high strength, and frost resistance. According to the results of the study, the influence of the number of additives components on the qualitative characteristics of foam concrete was determined, and the optimal composition of the components, plasticizer additives, micro silica, and caustic lime was selected.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Lukpanov, R., Dyussembinov, D., Yenkebayev, S., Yenkebayeva, A., & Tkach, E.
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