Monitoring of qualitative and quantitative indicators technological schemes for the production of copper at the enterprises of Kazakhstan
entropy, information analysis, copper production, metallurgical processes, technological schemes, conservation law, content, extraction.Abstract
New calculation formulas for estimating the technological uncertainty and completeness of each process and the scheme as a whole are derived. A high correlation is established between the ideal hierarchical structure of complex systems and the structure of technological schemes for real metallurgical copper productions. Thus, the problem of theoretical substantiation and practical application of unified information laws for the comparative assessment of competing technological schemes and improvement of existing metallurgical industries, ensuring the achievement of the goal in the most technological way, is solved. The studies carried out in the work are completely original. A significantly high scientific level of the work is defined by the use of modern information technologies in solving practical problems in the production with the aim of comparative estimation and improving individual technological processes and schemes on the whole on the basis of the unified index which represents an objective complex technological value of chemical-and-metallurgical (and any other) production on the basis of fundamental laws of conservation. There is considered using the formulae obtained for uncertainty and completeness of each technological operation for calculating the complex uncertainty and completeness of the technological scheme on the whole on the example of typical metallurgical productions, first of all, non0ferrous metals characterized with the most variety. There are suggested new aspects of entropy-and-information analysis of chemical-and-metallurgical processes and technological schemes on the whole, new calculation formulae for determining the level and system determinations of technological systems.
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