Determination of the boundary influence of cleaning works at combined geotechnology on deep Dongok mines horizons
rock massif, combined geotechnology, development system, mine horizon, mining, deposit.Abstract
This article presents the results of studies of the technological scheme when determining the boundary effect of treatment at the DON GOK mine. The main and determining indicators when choosing the method and technological scheme for mining ore deposits are the geological conditions of occurrence of ore bodies and host rocks, their geostructural structure, strength, deformability and stability. Based on a detailed and thorough study of these indicators, the issues of assessing the geotechnical state of the massif in the process of mining are being resolved, the parameters of the main technological processes of the adopted development system are being determined, and the issues of ensuring the efficiency, reliability and safety of operational work are being addressed. In this regard, there is a need to reveal the nature of these complications and, based on the laws of mining processes associated with mining, it is reasonable to choose methods of technological development schemes, determine their parameters in order to exclude accidents and ensure rational subsoil use.
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