Determination of rational location of working of the pulled together layers


  • S.K. Tutanov Karaganda State Technical University
  • M.S. Tutanova Karaganda State Technical University



rocks, finite element method, stress-strain state, creep, fracture, deformation, stress, development.


The distances rationale for the conditions given in the article are determined, at which there is no noticeable effect of K2 formation lava on K3 formation lava, and the bottom hole state is characterized by minimal values of formation deformations and rock convergence. The obtained results are confirmed by practical observations in production conditions. Thus, the decrease in the distance between the lavas K3 and K2 admitted at the mine. I. A. Kostenko very significantly complicated the work of lava K3, which led to an increase in the extraction of coal in the face, the violation of the bottom-hole part of the roof, the formation of domes. All the main technical and economic indicators of lava K3 sharply decreased and increased the risk of work. As the calculations show, a significant factor determining the mutual influence of treatment faces in the conditions of simultaneous mining of close-knit layers is also the normal distance between the layers. The joint influence of the power of the inter-zone and the distance between the lavas are taken into account. The calculations allow to objectively assess the influence of various factors on the formation of the stress-strain state of the massif around the mines during the mining of contiguous seams, to explain arising in practice, complications in the love, and to provide for the possibility of such complications. Based on the analysis of Kostenko mine issued recommendations to establish a rational distance between lavas K2 and K3 in specific conditions 70 m.


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Author Biographies

S.K. Tutanov, Karaganda State Technical University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, Karaganda State Technical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan. 

M.S. Tutanova, Karaganda State Technical University

Master of Science, Karaganda State Technical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan. 


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How to Cite

Tutanov, S., & Tutanova, M. (2020). Determination of rational location of working of the pulled together layers. Kompleksnoe Ispolzovanie Mineralnogo Syra = Complex Use of Mineral Resources, 312(1), 54–58.