Decrease in chromium losses due to the effective dehydration of sludge generated during the production of chromium pellets
Sludges of chrome production, thickening, flocculant, press filtration.Abstract
The study was aimed at reducing losses of chromium due to the effective dehydration of sludge generated during the production of chromium pellets. The results of studies on thickening and filtering sludge are presented. The study showed that Flopam AN926 is an effective flocculant for thickening sludge, while the solid content in the thickened sludge increases from 1-2% to 50-55% with a specific thickening operation of 0.02 t/(m2*h) and a clean top discharge 150 mg/l. In the process of press filtration, the moisture content of the sludge is reduced to 13.4% with a specific productivity of 0.1 t/(m2*h). Dehydrated sludge can be used for the production of chrome pellets or for the smelting of ferroalloys.
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