Horizontal wells as a means of intensification of oil production
horizontal wells, productive formation, drilling, horizontal trunk.Abstract
Numerous experimental and field studies have established that during the development of oil and gas fields, there are deformations of rocks that occur due to changes in reservoir pressure. It is established that with a drop in reservoir pressure, the volume of the pore space of the formation decreases due to the elastic expansion of the rock grains and an increase in compressive forces transmitted to the skeleton from the masses of the overlying rocks. As a result, there is a change in the deformation processes in the porous medium, accompanied by a decrease in its porosity and permeability, and a more significant change, compared with the porosity of the formation, is the permeability under one and the same pressure change. The manifestation of these anomalies in reservoir conditions, which cause nonlinear effects, can significantly affect the entire process of reservoir development and lead to various qualitative and quantitative discrepancies between the observed facts and the indicators that were calculated.
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