The study the possibility of development of environment safety technology of creating polymer composites in the conditions of small innovative enterprises


  • L. Kozyreva Tver State Technical University, Tver, Russia
  • V. Kozyrev Tver State Agricultural Academy Tver, Russia
  • O. Fadeev Tver State Technical University, Tver, Russia



CVD-method, organometallic compounds, polymer composites, resource saving, environment safety, innovations.


The creation of competitive products with a high degree of science intensity is impossible without the use of innovations. However, in their creation process does not always comply with the environmental safety requirements, which leads to negative consequences for the natural environment and human health. This article presents the results of research work group of authors to create wear-resistant polymer composites and their rational use in the processes of parts manufacturing machines running under the impact of the abrasive particles in the absence or limited admission Lube. A method of applying a metal coatings on fibers and powders, in which a metal coating layer with a thickness from 50 nm is applied to the surface by thermal decomposition organometallic compounds vapour using CVD-method, and device for molding polymer composites pressure. Developed innovative polymer composites based on polyamide-6.6 reinforced with metallic fibers and powders used for the manufacture of parts of construction, emergency rescue and other types of equipment. As a result of conducting a comprehensive study reported an increase resources manufactured parts relative serial assembly units. The ecological nature of the creating polymer composites in the conditions of small innovative enterprises was ensured by conducting the process in a closed cycle with the possibility of re-use of the reagents. This eliminated the flow of pollutants into the environment and allowed the implementation of the principles of resource and energy conservation.


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Author Biographies

L. Kozyreva, Tver State Technical University, Tver, Russia

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the chair «Life Safety and Ecology», Tver State Technical University, Tver, Russia

V. Kozyrev, Tver State Agricultural Academy Tver, Russia

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the chair «Machine repair and maintenance of machine-tractor station», Tver State Agricultural Academy, Tver, Russia

O. Fadeev, Tver State Technical University, Tver, Russia

Postgraduate student of the chair «Life Safety and Ecology», Tver State Technical University, Tver, Russia


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How to Cite

Kozyreva, L., Kozyrev, V., & Fadeev, O. (2021). The study the possibility of development of environment safety technology of creating polymer composites in the conditions of small innovative enterprises. Kompleksnoe Ispolzovanie Mineralnogo Syra = Complex Use of Mineral Resources, 322(3), 59–65.