The algorithm of development safe methods for depositing metallic coatings by CVD-method of organometallic compounds
chemical vapor deposition, organometallic compounds, safety, automation, resource saving.Abstract
The CVD-method of organometallic compounds is a universal method of obtaining functional metal coatings on substrates of various chemical composition and configuration. The essence of the method is the evaporation (sublimation) of the organometallic compound in the reactor of the metallization unit and the deposition of metal on the substrate heated to the decomposition temperature of the initial reagent. This article presents the results of research work group of authors to create the algorithm of development safe methods foe depositing metallic coatings by CVD-method. The increase of the industrial safety of metallization is achieved due to automation of the process, equipping the plant for the application of metal coatings with locking and alarm systems. The ecological nature of the CVD-method, in which extremely hazardous substances were used as initial reagents, was ensured by sealing equipment and conducting the process in a closed cycle with the possibility of re-use of the reagents. This eliminated the flow of pollutants into the environment and allowed the implementation of the principles of resource and energy conservation.
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