Modeling the influence of technological parameters of the magnetron sputtering process using the Caroline D12C system on the proportion of nanocrystallites in the structure of thin silicon films


  • K.S. Tolubaev Karaganda Industrial University
  • B.A. Zhautikov Karaganda Industrial University
  • N.N. Zobnin Karaganda Industrial University
  • G.S. Dairbekova Satbayev University
  • S.K. Kabieva Karaganda Industrial University
  • R.T. Al-Kasasbeh University of Jordan



Nanosized silicon, magnetron sputtering, Caroline D12C, film, mathematical modeling, correlation-regression analysis, target.


The experimental dependence of the fraction of nano-sized modification of silicon in thin films obtained by magnetron sputtering on the main technological indicators of the process - specific power on the target, pressure in the working chamber, pulsation frequency of the voltage supplied to the target - has been studied. The data was processed using the method of multiple correlation-regression analysis and a corresponding mathematical model was obtained that describes the experimental dependence. It has been established that the specific power at the target does not significantly affect the fraction of nanosilicon in the film. The voltage frequency on the target has only a positive effect and is therefore limited only by the technical capabilities of the sputtering equipment. The pressure in the working chamber has an optimal value because in the mathematical model for this factor there are both positive and negative coefficients. When analyzing the model by calculation, it was found that the largest proportion of nanosilicon in the film, 75.06%, is achieved at a voltage frequency on the target of 100 Hz and pressure in the working chamber of 1.9 Pa. These data are preliminary due to the limited number of experiments.


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Author Biographies

K.S. Tolubaev, Karaganda Industrial University

Doctoral student, Karaganda Industrial University, Temirtau, Kazakhstan.

B.A. Zhautikov, Karaganda Industrial University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Karaganda Industrial University, Temirtau, Kazakhstan.

N.N. Zobnin, Karaganda Industrial University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Karaganda Industrial University, Temirtau, Kazakhstan.

G.S. Dairbekova, Satbayev University

PhD, Satbayev University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

S.K. Kabieva, Karaganda Industrial University

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor, Karaganda Industrial University, Temirtau, Kazakhstan.

R.T. Al-Kasasbeh, University of Jordan

PhD, Professor, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.


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How to Cite

Tolubaev, K., Zhautikov, B., Zobnin, N., Dairbekova, G., Kabieva, S., & Al-Kasasbeh, R. (2024). Modeling the influence of technological parameters of the magnetron sputtering process using the Caroline D12C system on the proportion of nanocrystallites in the structure of thin silicon films. Kompleksnoe Ispolzovanie Mineralnogo Syra = Complex Use of Mineral Resources, 334(3), 51–58.



Engineering and technology