Wastewater treatment using natural zeolite materials
Waste water, purification, sorbents, ions, zeolite.Abstract
Today, there is an urgent need in our country to develop and implement new energy - and resource-saving technologies for wastewater treatment and water treatment. The need for such a system is determined by the urgency of the tasks of protecting the health of the population, agricultural products, and other biological objects. Wastewater is contaminated with radioactive substances, heavy metal ions, toxic substances, and pathogenic microbes. During the work, wastewater contaminated with heavy metal ions Cd2+, Pb2+ was treated with a natural zeolite material. The mechanism of water purification from metal ions is based on the porous structure and adsorption capacity of zeolite. Heavy metal ions diffuse into the pores of the zeolite material, displacing sodium ions, which are structural modifiers. The zeolite treatment process was carried out by measuring the permeability of wastewater using a conductometer and comparing its results with the value of the permeability of distilled water. According to the results obtained, this method can be used to completely purify wastewater from heavy metal ions.
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