Methodological principles of searching for disposal sites of radioactively contaminated materials by geophysical methods
radioactive contamination, geophysics, research, complexing, micro gamma sounding, decontaminationAbstract
This article is devoted to radiometric studies at one of the sites of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant (the “Sandy Plateau” site), which is located on the south-eastern outskirts of the city of Pripyat. Radioactive substances, both artificial and natural, resulting from incidents and disasters at nuclear facilities pose the greatest danger. The disposal sites for radioactively contaminated materials considered in this work are sources of groundwater pollution. Currently, there is a problem of searching for their location for reburial in specialized stationary burial grounds, to solve which detailed complex geophysical studies are used. Various geophysical methods are considered, including micro-sensing and radiometric studies, to determine the location of burials. Particular attention is paid to the analysis and interpretation of geophysical data, as well as the economic and practical aspects of the application of these methods. As a result of the study, it was established: that when searching and studying burial sites of radioactively contaminated materials, the use of surface gamma photography makes it possible to assess the level of radioactive contamination of the upper layers of the soil (to a depth of 0.8-1 m). However, if the thickness of buried radioactively contaminated materials exceeds a certain level, which leads to weak contamination of rocks at a depth of more than 1-1.5 m, then burial objects may go undetected when using only gamma-ray imaging. In such cases, microgamma probing becomes an effective method. Increased values of exposure dose rate and the nature of microgamma sounding curves serve as indicators of the presence (increase in exposure dose rate with depth) or absence (sharp decrease in exposure dose rate with depth) of radioactively contaminated materials in the studied area.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Vyzhva, S., Onishchuk, V., Onishchuk, I., Madisheva, R., & Mukhazhanova, Z.

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