State and prospects of processing tin-containing raw materials in Kazakhstan


  • R. Sapinov D.Serikbaeva East Kazakhstan Technical University
  • N. Kulenova D.Serikbaeva East Kazakhstan Technical University
  • M. Sadenova D.Serikbaeva East Kazakhstan Technical University
  • P. Varbanov Brno University of Technology—VUT BRNO
  • J. Klemeš Brno University of Technology—VUT BRNO



tin, Syrymbet deposit, gravity concentration, leaching, sulfuric acid, cassiterite, stannin.


The article discusses the current state-of-the-art in the tin industry and the prospects of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The evaluation is performed in terms of the development of domestic tin production for the growing global demand and the development of the domestic high-tech industry. The study includes the main domestic sources of the raw material base of the tin, which includes mineral raw materials, anthropogenic and secondary waste. Since the most important for the contemporary tin industry are mineral raw materials, the possibility of complex processing of ore from the Syrymbet deposit was studied. Based on the results of the studies performed, it was found that the mineral tin-containing raw materials of the Syrymbet deposit, in addition to cassiterite, also contain acid-soluble tin-containing minerals (stannin, etc.). At the stage of gravity concentration, the most efficient extraction performance of tin into concentrate was found for the gravity separator – amounting to 34.2%. At the leaching stage, the most efficient extraction of tin (1,543 μg/L) showed an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid with a concentration of 100 g/L, at a temperature of 45 °C.


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Author Biographies

R. Sapinov, D.Serikbaeva East Kazakhstan Technical University

Doctoral student PhD 3 course, specialty "metallurgy".

N. Kulenova, D.Serikbaeva East Kazakhstan Technical University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Ass. Professor. Head of the Center for Advanced Development "VERITAS".

M. Sadenova, D.Serikbaeva East Kazakhstan Technical University

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Leading Researcher of the Center for Advanced Development "VERITAS".

P. Varbanov, Brno University of Technology—VUT BRNO

Dr Habil, Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory—SPIL, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

J. Klemeš, Brno University of Technology—VUT BRNO

Prof, Dr, DSc, Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory—SPIL, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.


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How to Cite

Sapinov, R., Kulenova, N., Sadenova, M., Varbanov, P., & Klemeš, J. (2021). State and prospects of processing tin-containing raw materials in Kazakhstan. Kompleksnoe Ispolzovanie Mineralnogo Syra = Complex Use of Mineral Resources, 317(2), 37–45.