Review of the current state of knowledge in forecasting and searching for gold deposits in the North-Western Balkhash region
Northwestern Balkhash region, geological survey, geophysical research, degree of knowledge, copper-pyrite and gold mineralizationAbstract
The article provides an assessment of the degree of knowledge of the North-Western Balkhash region based on a priori information from the previously conducted complex of geological and geophysical studies. Today, much is known about the geological, tectonic structure of the North-Eastern Balkhash region, the metallogeny of the region, the main structural elements have been identified; there are characteristics of intrusive formations, the age of the main rock complexes has been determined, several mineralization points, ore occurrences and deposits have been discovered. Based on the results of the earlier work, the Dolinnoye, Pustynnoye, and Karyernoye deposits were discovered. They are characterized by promising gold reserves. The determining role when carrying out prospecting geophysical work is played by the degree of exploration of deposits, which makes it possible to formulate an optimal technology for detecting mineralization points and ore deposits and to reduce the risks of erroneous selection of production facilities to the minimum. The article analyzes the level and provides cartograms of the exploration of the North-Western Balkhash region territory by geological surveying, mining operations, sampling and geophysical methods. The geological and geophysical history of research in the territory of the Dolinnoye, Pustynnoye, and Karyernoye deposits was considered. Conclusions were drawn about the level of exploration of the research area and the need for further geophysical work in this territory, due to the high productivity of the area for copper mineralization.
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