Research on the possibility of obtaining medium-carbon ferromanganese from the Djezdinskoe deposit
Manganese ore, medium-carbon ferromanganese, low-phosphorus refined silicomanganese, differential thermal analysis, high-temperature furnace, ferroalloyAbstract
In this article, the results of laboratory studies on the smelting of medium-carbon ferromanganese using Djezdinskoe ores are presented. Kazakhstan has significant reserves of manganese ores represented by iron-manganese and carbonate-oxide ores. The manganese ores of the Djezdinskoe deposit are characterized by a relatively high manganese content (48%) and low iron content (2-5%). Sieve analysis was used to study the particle size distribution of the ore. Based on the results of the sieve analysis of ore samples obtained after sieving, a high manganese content (53.54%), low iron content (0.47%), and silicon dioxide content (2.25%) were identified. Laboratory experiments were conducted on smelting medium-carbon ferromanganese in the high-temperature Tamman furnace. According to the results of the laboratory experiments, it is recommended to use the size classes of -5.0 + 0.0 mm to obtain high-quality low-phosphorus silicon-manganese alloy and the size class of +5.0 to produce medium-carbon ferromanganese. The average chemical composition of the metal and slag is as follows: % Mn – 86 – 88; Si – 0.04 – 0.35; Fe – 1.78 – 2.0; P – 0.06 – 0.09; C – 1.5 – 2.0; MnO – 19-20; SiO2 – 13.94-14.5; CaO – 23.35 – 24.85; MgO – 13.25-14.0. Thus, an optimal technological scheme has been developed for the production of a wide range of manganese ferroalloys.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Makhambetov, Y., Abdirashit, A., Myngzhassar, Y., Burumbayev, A., Zhakan, A., & Onuralp, Y.

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