Substantiation of the specific energy intensity of drilling as a criterion characterizing the explosive destruction of rocks on the example of the Koktaszhal
Drillability, energy intensity of drilling, explosiveness, rock strength.Abstract
Drilling and blasting operations are one of the most important components of the mining industry. Currently, further improvement and optimization of technological processes at mining enterprises are possible mainly due to the determination and constant monitoring of the mining and technological properties of the rock mass – their drillability, explosivity and exaviability. A prospective assessment of the explosivity of rocks in the massif, which is the basis for designing and calculating the parameters of the DBO, is currently possible only using the energy parameters of technological work. The article provides information on methods for studying the strength and elastic characteristics of rocks in natural occurrence. The results of the study of the relationship between the specific energy intensity of drilling and explosive destruction of rocks are presented. The correlation between the specific energy intensity of drilling and the propagation velocity of elastic longitudinal waves is also considered. A comparative analysis is carried out between the traditional calculation of the explosive index using the results of laboratory studies on the physical and mechanical properties of the rocks of the Koktaszhal deposit and the calculation of the explosive destruction index taking into account the energy parameters of drilling. The validity of the use of the specific energy intensity of drilling as a criterion characterizing the explosive destruction of rocks in the design of drilling and blasting operations is shown.
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