Nature of ree accumulation in clayey interlayers and coals in Karaganda coal basin
coal, clayey interlayer, Central Kazakhstan, Karaganda coal basin, rare earth elements, average content.Abstract
It is the first completed complex mineralogical and geological research of REE (Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu) in the coals of Karaganda coal basin in Central Kazakhstan. This paper presents the results of the research of REE (from lanthanum to lutetium and Y) distribution in 85 samples of coal and clayey interlayers of stratum k7 of Karaganda coal basin in the faces of Saranskaya, T.Kuzembayev, Aktasskaya mines. The ultimate composition of clayey interlayer and coal samples was analyzed by the methods of inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-OES and ICP-MS). Research of the lateral and vertical discontinuity of the total REE concentration has indicated the presence of mixed types of REE distribution in coals, which supposes various forms of REE migration and different mobility of heavy and light lanthanides within the hypergenesis zone. The established lanthanum-ytterbium (La/Yb) ratio in the coal, which is normalized to UCC and equals La/Yb<1, relates to the coals with Н type of REE distribution, and the one that equals La/Yb>1 and normalized to chondrite belongs to the coals with L type of REE distribution, which allows making conclusions on the presence of independent sources and different mechanisms of REE accumulation in the sediments of Karaganda coal basin. It is also established that the La/Yb ratio grows from coals to clayey interlayers, which indicates a predominantly clastogenic mechanism of REE input to the coals. The prevailing mineral form of the REE in the coal and clayey interlayer samples from the Karaganda coal basin is light lanthanide phosphates. Sparry crystals with CeLaNdPO composition were found in the coal and clayey interlayer samples. It was established that xenotime is the main deportment for Y in many coals.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Kopobayeva, A., Baydauletova, I., Amangeldikyzy, A., Askarova, N., & Blyalova, G.

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